3D Printed EMG Prosthetic Hand
I am going to build an electromyography prosthetic hand using a 3D printer I already own. I don’t have a huge amount of experience with this kind of hardware, so it will be a challenging experience, but I have always found prosthetics very interesting, so it will be very fun for me to finally delve into it with this project.
For the most part, I’ll be following this super-detailed guide by InMoov for the hand and forearm - https://inmoov.fr/hand-and-forarm/, this guide for molding the fingertips - https://inmoov.fr/silicone-finger-tip-mold/?_gl=1*b7epjo*_ga*NjkyMzk1MDg0LjE2NzI4MDM0ODI.*_ga_8RYZJVQ0E8*MTY3MjgwMzQ4Mi4xLjAuMTY3MjgwMzQ4Mi4wLjAuMA..&_ga=2.50393449.1577386689.1672803482-692395084.1672803482, as well as this project overview on Instructables - https://www.instructables.com/3D-Printed-EMG-Prosthetic-Hand/
These guides do not follow set in stone steps, so I will be able to expirement with different parts as I go, like possibly using springs & tubes to support the fishing line and prevent erosion.
- Order materials and wait for their arrival
- Download hand, forearm, and the fingertip cast files
- Print off the prints using my 3D printer, remember to use the correct filament, this will need to be done before the 10 days to save time
- Assemble the hand and forearm, cast the fingertips using the glue & bolts (either printed or regular bolts)
- Wire it all together, this should take me the most time
- Programming: There is downloadable code, but if I have time, it would be so fun to learn to code it from scratch
- Connect the forearm electrodes to Arduino
- Troublshooting: I should find ways to make sure things are going as planned throughout, but if it is not working when completely finished, then I will need to go back and figure it out